+603 2142 6848 info.mwta@gmail.com

Special Announcement to MWTA members:

Postponement of 65th AGM and Scholarship Reward Ceremony

Every year, we look forward to connecting with our MWTA members at our annual AGM and Scholarship Reward Ceremony. In view of the growing concerns around COVID-19, the current committee members have consulted with our 3 honorary presidents Mr Bernard Yong, Mr MB Lim and Mr Wilson Guan.

To safeguard against COVID-19 and the spread of it, we have decided to postpone our 2020 AGM and Scholarship Reward Ceremony until further notice.

We ask all our members, family and friends to stay vigilant in healthy hygiene practices with basic protective measures against the 2019 novel coronovirus: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public 

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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